75 FINDYOURBREAKINGPOINT Estimated Salary Per Month + Estimated Taxes (about 28% of Salary—depending filing status/type) - Medical Insurance (include Dental and Vision) - Non-Reimbursed Business Expenses (Gas, Parking, etc.) - Car and Rent/House Payments - Monthly Bills (Gas, Electric, Water, Cable/Internet, Phone, Student Loan Payments, etc.) - Average Grocery Spending - Misc. Consistent Expenses (Credit Card Debt, Outstanding Bills, Child Support, etc.) - TOTAL Can you live with the amount (per month) based on your lifestyle? Do not forget about emergency funds and retirement contributions. Consider bonuses and over-time. = SALARYWORKSHEET NEGOTIATINGOFFERS It is Always Awkward Be confident in your worth and clear on your expectations from the beginning. Avoid asking about salary in initial interviews. If the salary range is not posted in the job description or provided during the interview process, use O*NET OnLine to understand the range the position should merit. Gather the information and decide what your realistic target number should be. Expect to be at the low end of a range unless: • You have met all AND exceeded some requirements listed in the job description based upon experience and education • You have achieved “preferred qualifications” • You have worked for the company previously • The compensation is not enough to incentivize you to leave your current role Not all offers are negotiable due to inner- office equity, company policy or budgets, or non-profit status. Review the previous page. If a company is not able to offer you more, consider negotiating for moving costs, expense reimbursement such as mileage, schedule flexibility, additional vacation time, professional development or certifications or other benefits. Engaging in negotiations does not mean you will not accept the position if requests aren’t met, but you have been offered the role. Now it’s time to discover what they are willing to pay to secure a great candidate. Contact Career Services to gain an impartial opinion and discuss how to best leverage yourself effectively through this conversation.