60 Davenport University Career Services Guide Be the Confident Expert in Discussing your Immigration Status Ways to Become an Expert • Go to all DU Training and Engagement for International Students • Join the Global Student Organization • Attend a Work Authorization Workshop • Participate in Global Awareness Week • Attend all Career Services events to practice professional, confident and assertive communication Always Aim to • Build future connections to use your eligibility as an advantage! • Always market the positives of having an international mindset in a company’s workforce • Show your global competency • Hone and highlight your language ability: written and oral INTERNATIONALSTUDENTS Communication with Employers • Help employers become familiar with your work authorization options • Understand that any Michigan employers are still hesitant to “sponsor” students or pursue work visas (i.e. H-1B) • Use your CPT eligibility to get in front of employers early • Assure employers that CPT incurs no cost to them, and no additional paperwork for them; just the standard role description and offer letter is needed Highlight your International Capability as an Asset EVERYWHERE POSSIBLE A cover letter example for the final paragraph: I want to make you aware that I am an International Student available for an internship through my college. I will utilize my CPT as my work authorization and experience approval method. This is a process I will work through with Davenport University. I would only need an offer letter from you after being interviewed and selected. (If true, note: I already have a US Social Security number assigned as to my past work experience with [LIST COMPANY].) In my future career steps with your organization, or any other US company, I will be required to utilize the OPT and later H-1B Visa status process to transition to longer term career options. I hope you might be open to that possibility after I prove myself. I strive to keep myself informed of the timing and requirements of international student/graduate work and will make it as simple as possible for your organization to work with me. Thank you for your consideration of my application and situation; it is greatly appreciated! Respectfully, Your Name DIDYOUKNOW? Teams with diverse members are more productive than teams with like- minded individuals. Opportunities to Market your International Assets: • LinkedIn Profile Taglines • Résumé Headlines • Networking Conversations • Cover Letters 60 Davenport University Career Services Guide Visit Panther Jobs INTERNATIONALSTUDENTS: INTERNSHIP(CPT)&JOBSEARCHING(OPT/H-1B)