11 THINGSTODO AREYOUA PANTHERJOBS PRO? Create an account (we have already done it for you!) Login for the first time Read and acknowledge the Employment Guarantee Adjust your “Privacy Settings” and “Notification Settings” Download the “Careers by Symplicity” mobile app Upload your résumé to your “Documents” tab Receive “Approved” status for résumés and cover letters Add your “Approved” résumé to the appropriate résumé book (by program) Explore the “Jobs” tab Jobs are updated every day so create “Saved Searches” to save time later Explore the internships posted in Panther Jobs by 290, 490 or 790 course number for all programs and non-credit bearing internships Search the NACElink Network (for nationwide and non-DU specific internships/careers) Edit and complete your profile information Check out the Employer Directory to see if your target companies have an account or offer direct contact information Monitor your account and newsfeed at least weekly for new jobs, updates, events, workshops and opportunities 11