57 Connections Connections are the most important part of LinkedIn. You can easily see whom you know and how you know them. Who should you connect with? Ask yourself, could they do a favor for you or could you do a favor for them? If yes, CONNECT! Posting Content LinkedIn members are 10x more likely to be seen by recruiters if they post content at least once a week. It doesn’t take a lot of effort; just repost professional articles on your feed that are relevant and positive. Be sure to give credit to content originators when re-posting articles or concepts. Reaching Out/Job Searching Use your connections to your advantage. Let them know if you applied for a job with their company, or ask them to connect you with someone you need to reach. LinkedIn job postings often have a recruiter assigned to them. Introduce yourself after applying. This will increase name recognition. YOURCAREER-ORIENTEDSOCIALMEDIA LINKEDIN PROFILEBASICS Post a professional headshot for your profile picture Create a headline that is thought-provoking and contains key words you expect to be searched by Edit your URL to contain your name to improve searchability Include all education (even high school) to begin finding connections Include all past companies and job titles to give viewers or recruiters an idea of your professional background Select skills you want to market about yourself so connections know what to endorse you for Ask for recommendations from connections to help validate your employment history Professional Organizations & the DU Alumni Network Navigate to Davenport University’s Alumni homepage. This page offers insights on where our graduates have landed. You can search by location, company, or industry. You already have at least one thing in common, so just see if they would be interested in connecting. Stay relevant by following groups in your area or industry. Consider going to events with your organizations to expand your network. 57